Friday, September 20, 2019
Causes of Childhood Obesity
Causes of Childhood Obesity Children and Obesity Contents (Jump to) Introduction: Thesis Statement: Analysis of the current situation: Increase in Inactivity: Major problem and treatment issues: Eating Habits: Pricing and unhealthy aspects of food: Lack of outdoor games: Parents Responsibility: Counter measurements: Conclusion: References: Introduction: The obesity in children is a serious contemporary problem that is a major problem at contemporary times and the role of parents in the problem is quite significant and hence the ideas are presented in the report which sheds light upon some minute and accurate causes to the escalation of these problems related to obesity in children, the responsibility of the parents also play a significant role in this domain. The tactical analysis and the outcomes are to be drawn from the facts which actually are the chief causes of the problem. The causes can readily be derived so as to the inactivity that has been the trend in the youth and owing to the present lifestyle that has been one of the main reasons specifically responsible for the decrease of the physical activity. The report hereby encloses the essentials facts that have been brought to the light as per the secondary analysis and library research of the situation regarding the infusion of the obesity rates in children. The causes are hence calibrated under specific categorical heads for the betterment of the understanding and development of a profound concept related to the establishment of findings and the conclusive arguments that are yielded has to be backed up by concrete affirmative arguments. The structure hence is adapted as after the introduction the section of analysis and critical evaluation of the directly related topics and the peripherals of the contextual topic is to be discussed in details followed by a tight and decisive conclusion. Thesis Statement: It has been fabricated so as to develop the role of the parents in which they fail to ensure the proper weight maintenance of their children; the ideas are also obligated by the fact that the lifestyle at present is also the key procedure that inflicts these effects. Secondly the taxation process of food items at contemporary times also causes mismanagement in manufacturing and also the use of cheap and highly fatty ingredients for the food manufactured to keep the costing and the revenue generation balanced. The obesity is one of the most serious problems that not only degrades the health but also aggravates a hefty treatment costs. Thus the idea or the thesis statements are presented. Analysis of the current situation: The section comprises of the critical evaluation of the issue of how obesity is induced in the children in contemporary times, then it also recommends decisive and consequential arguments for the consolidated recommendations to endure this crisis and improve the overall scenario. Thus the following heads are mandated. The privilege in the obesity factors of children had been a serious issue of concern for the world health scenario (Lifshitz, 2008). The section comprises upon the causes for the increase in the level of obesity of the children. The ideas are categorized under the three fundamental root causes that directly results into such a scenario. Increase in Inactivity: Major problem and treatment issues: The growth rate of obesity amongst children had been greatly triggered by the inactivity in the children which has been increased over the past few years of the orientation of the behavior and the lifestyles in the urban areas have mandatorily affected the physical activity of the children. The mental stress caused due to the pressure induced by the academics and the preferences of recreation such as video games and play stations have all the way more contributed to the effective attenuation of the physical activities and hence the ideas are to be mandated for the reverberation of such practices and hence this abrupt and ecstatic increase of lesser physical activity amongst the children have affectively resulted into an increased obesity rates amongst the children the ideas are hence established related to the first cause that is comprehended to be the most critical cause for the increase in obesity factor amongst the children. Moreover the additional hours of watching television als o lands a significant blow to the activity amongst the children and the idea can further be conceptualized regarding the evaluation of the facts that encircle as one of the significant causes of increase in the obese population all over the globe. The annual health report that is published by the World Health Organization explicitly contained that around 25 % of the obese children watch TV or play games for more that 4 to 5 hours a day and has been the victim of obesity. Eating Habits: Pricing and unhealthy aspects of food: The next section highlights the eating habits of the children. The idea is already consolidated that the eating habits has a direct relation to the health of the entire human and children are no exception. The growing popularity of the fast food and sweet desserts among the children are instigating the unhealthy eating habits and the resultant effect for this practice may readily be considered as that of the chief reason behind the abrupt increment in the obesity rates among the children. The idea can further be solidified that the advertisements and the alluring marketing stunts pulled by the fast food franchises and the sweetened food marketers are all the way increasing the urge among the children to consume such food and instigates the unhealthy eating habits. The implications of food and eating habits thereby cause a significant impact that readily catalyzes the obesity rates among the children. The idea for healthy food practice amplification is to be introduced amongst the children an inactive of which has been undertaken by the Kraft food by progressive advertisements and short films. Even as per the statistics it is seen that the food habits are the most important of all causes for obesity in children across the globe. The fast food consumption rates have also hiked owing to the nature of the availability, alluring taste and the lack of time in everyday life as well where the consumption of such oily and sweetened food readily amplifies the obesity quotient among the children. Lack of outdoor games: Parents Responsibility: The revolutionary advents in the technology have provided more alluring options for recreational purposes of the children and hence these days the children are more inclined towards playing games on phones, tablets, PlayStations and computers rather than the conventional outdoor games. The decrease in the safety also prevented the parents from encouraging the children to go out and play. All these had a combined effect upon the child psychology and hence have developed their keen inclination away from the outdoor games that had readily attenuated the daily exercising habits among the children infusing the obesity upon them. The lack of activity at the physical level for the children had been a serious concern of the authors and pediatricians in order to mandate the norms of healthy practices and the technical advancements and the ideal consideration of the fact that the degraded safety and the negative effects upon the children when exposed to the external environment have been acting as proactive reagents for the acceleration of the obesity rates amongst the children. The ideologies are hence to be adapted for the development of the proper tactical measures to initiate the awareness regarding the importance of daily physical activities. The parents are reluctant for this especially of the unsafe neighborhoods and the effects that it may wield upon the young minds and hence the activities for children in these days are restrained by the compelling issues that have been discussed explicitly in this section. Counter measurements: The section lays focus upon the counter measurements of the issues that has proactively aggravated the rates of obesity. The causes are mainly categorized as per the three distinct heads that contains the three chief reasons that has resulted into the obese nature of the children. The inactivity issue can be decreased by proper initiatives from the parents who should be a little strict in restraining the kids from watching television and all. The education system also has to revise the strategies accordingly for the development of the student activity. The ideas can be mandated for holding events necessarily in the domains of sports to enhance the physical activity. The schools should provide the secured environment for the tactical implementation of sports events to encourage physical activity. The idea for the contemplation of the unhealthy food habits can be effectively restricted by proper parenting. The ideas should be incorporated in the children in an attractive manner to develop awareness amongst the children regarding the manifestation of healthy eating habits. The essential nutrients are to be surely incorporated in the diets of the children, calcium and proteins are the most important of all in this context. The proper balanced diet is to be maintained in synch with the age of the child so as to mandate healthy eating habits. The parents should take the children to safe parks for proactive outdoor exposure and thereby ensure the adequate physical activity. Conclusion: On a more health or medical oriented note obesity disrupts the anaerobic respiration giving rise to breathing troubles, which cause disturbed heart condition, high blood pressure and blood sugar levels, (Daniels, et, al 2006). The cause for the obese nature in humans can be of diversified origins, the first being already discussed that are of the genetic implications in an individual that makes one host body tentatively obese. The other causes include the working habits, the food preferences (Kaufmann, Poznanski, and Guggenheim, 1975) such an inclination towards junk food and the development of a lousy habit of poor exercising by the masses, the stress build up may also be an additional cause (Dallman, 2010). Now days, owing to these reasons the obesity factor are one of the most prone prospects of health degradation. Thus the issues are readily needed to be addressed using tactical measurements to cause the realization of a centrally aware global health scenario. References: aappublications. (2014, May 01). Active Healthy Living: Prevention of Childhood Obesity Through Increased Physical Activity. Retrieved from aappublications: CDC. (2014, December 11). Childhood Obesity Facts. 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